Oceangate Submersible: Oxygen Running Low As Searchers Race

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Oceangate Submersible: Oxygen Running Low As Searchers Race To Save Missing 5 



Search teams looking for the missing Oceangate Titan submersible are facing a race against the clock with only hours of oxygen left. It comes as fresh noises were detected underwater.

A Canadian aircraft searching for the sub in the Atlantic Ocean detected intermittent banging noises from the vicinity of its last known location, however the US Coast Guard clarified that they “don’t know the source of the noise”.

READ ALSO: Oceangate Submersible

Crew searching for the vessel detected banging noises every 30 minutes on Tuesday and four hours later on Wednesday.

Additional support has arrived this morning to help with the search, with the oxygen supply expected to run out by 1pm UK time on Thursday, as confirmed to The Independent by the US Coast Guard.

Aboard the Titan is CEO and founder of OceanGate Expeditions Stockton Rush, British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, renowned French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet and Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman Dawood.

The watercraft submerged on Sunday morning from its support vessel to travel to the Titanic wreckage which sits at a depth of 12,500ft. About an hour and 45 minutes later, the Titan lost contact with its surface ship, the Polar Prince.

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