Controversial Skit Maker Trinity Guy Reflects on Prison Experience and Vows to Embrace Change - Green White Green -


Controversial Skit Maker Trinity Guy Reflects on Prison Experience and Vows to Embrace Change



In a candid and emotional post on his Instagram page, Trinity Guy, the once-controversial skit maker has broken his silence after his time in prison over a lewd post in which he used a nine-year old girl to make jest of his private part.

Sharing his heartfelt thoughts, Trinity Guy expressed his gratitude on being back with his fans and followers, playfully referring to himself as “Davido Boy” in his characteristic style.

He recounted how his short-term stay in prison had been a profound lesson in appreciating the value of freedom. The solitude he experienced during those trying days made him realize just how precious and essential freedom is to one’s well-being.

The skit maker openly acknowledged the unwavering support and love he received from his family during this tumultuous period. Their love acted as a source of strength, preventing him from succumbing to the challenges and potential emotional strain of being confined in prison.

Trinity Guy expressed his determination to move forward positively and vowed to remain within the boundaries of modesty, indicating a newfound sense of responsibility in his approach to content creation following his time in prison.

Taking a moment to address his global fanbase, colleagues, and family members, he expressed his deepest gratitude for their unyielding support. The outpouring of love from his fans and the encouragement from colleagues and family played a significant role in bolstering his spirits throughout this difficult chapter.

In a remarkable display of maturity, Trinity Guy extended his blessings to the Nigerian Police, recognizing their role in the legal process. Despite the hardships he endured during his time in prison, Trinity Guy chose to focus on his growth and transformation, leaving behind any animosity or bitterness.

See his post below:

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