Sisi Quadri’s Body Arrives Iwo For Burial - Green White Green -


Sisi Quadri’s Body Arrives Iwo For Burial



The body of late comedian and nollywood actor, Quadri Oyebamiji known as Sisi Quadri has arrived Agbowo area, Iwo in Osun State. 

Recall that the entertainment industry was thrown into mourning following the news of Sisi Quadri’s death on Friday, March 1, 2024.

READ ALSO: Panic As Cause Of Sisi Quadri Death Is Revealed

Youths, residents of Iwo, colleagues from the theatre industry, and dignitaries joined the mourners at the deceased’s father’s residence in Agboola, demonstrating the wide-reaching impact of Oyebamiji’s work and the affection in which he was held by many.

The anticipation for the arrival of his body was palpable, with mourners gathering from as early as 8 am.

The emotional weight of the occasion was evident, particularly among the women present, many of whom were moved to tears as the ambulance carrying Sisi Quadri’s body arrived.

In a statement, Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, expressed his condolences, reflecting the sentiment of many across the state and beyond.

Through his spokesperson, Olawale Rasheed, Governor Adeleke described Oyebamiji’s death as “shocking and devastating,” highlighting the actor’s contributions to the entertainment industry and the cultural landscape of Osun State.

It reads partly, “Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji (aka Sisi Quadri) was a delight to watch in movies. He was a great talent that illuminated homes and impart valuable messages. With his demise, the memory of the wonderful moments he created on the scenes, and more, the comical relief he inspires through his works will reverberate for years.

“I mourn his loss knowing well the great talent that is gone. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his immediate family, the people of Iwoland, the movie industry, and everyone touched by this devastating experience.

“It is my sincere prayer that they get the strength to bear the hard moment his passage represents. May Almighty Allah grant his aljanah fidau soul.”

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