'My Senator Tried Stopping You From Visiting Me,' Fubara Chastises Rivers Senator Before Colleagues - Green White Green - gwg.ng


‘My Senator Tried Stopping You From Visiting Me,’ Fubara Chastises Rivers Senator Before Colleagues



Governor Simi Fubara has rebuked the senator representing him in the Senate, Senator Barinada Mpigi of dissuading fellow  senators from visiting him during a working visit to Rivers State.

Speaking when he received members of the Senate Ad-Hoc Committee investigating the Turnaround Maintenance of Nigeria’s Refineries, Governor Fubara alleged that Senator Biri Mpigi who incidentally represents him in the Senate sought to prevent the delegation from visiting him.

Addressing the Senator Ifeanyi Ubah led panel, Fubara said that the purpose of governance was to make life easy for the people, and expressed delight that the senators in the Committee’s investigation would result in making life easy and meaningful for Nigerians.

“We might be a State, as being presented that we have issues. But we don’t have any issues. Our eyes are on the ball to deliver for our people. Even in the face of this deliberate distraction, we will not fail our people because at the end, it is the impact we make on our people that counts.”

He warned that anybody who disrespects a man in authority either for his age or status, such person could succeed but temporarily because such insults would boomerang, coming with greater, bigger pain.

“I am aware that this is not the actual number of members of this committee. You are more than this. I am also aware that the senator representing, unfortunately, my senatorial district, didn’t want you to come here.

“But because you are men of integrity: the real ones who have integrity; you decided to come and do what is right. God will bless you.

“What you are doing is the right thing. Politics is a business of interest. Your worse enemy today can become your best friend tomorrow. It’s a business of interest. But the interest of the people should come first.

“Unfortunately, some people think it is something that has to do with life or death. And that is one mistake everybody makes when you take this business outside of the normal principles and rules.”

“Our Government has no business with politics of bitterness because we have the interest of our people at heart. We take their wellbeing as our priority, because that is why they gave us the mandate to govern them. So, their interest, which is the interest of the State, comes first in our scheme of things,” he said.

Fubara reminded the Senators of the peaceful nature and hospitality of the State and its people, and urged them to feel free to interact with the State for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders.

In his presentation, the Chairman of the Senate Ad-Hoc Committee to Investigate the Turnaround Maintenance of Nigeria’s Refineries, Senator Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah (representing Anambra South Senatorial District), said they were at Warri Refinery on Thursday, and had come Port Harcourt to investigate the work that has been done and assess the level of preparedness of both the old and new Port Harcourt Refinery to recommence operations.

Senator Ubah said, “We will recall that the old Port Harcourt Refinery was the first refinery in Nigeria built in 1965, and the second one was built in 1989. And for so long now, they have not been in active operations.

Senator Mbigi did not respond to calls and messages sent to him to clarify his position on the issue.

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