Nigerian Man Deported From Kenya For Assaulting Partner (Video) - Green White Green -

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Nigerian Man Deported From Kenya For Assaulting Partner (Video)



The Nigerian man caught on camera assaulting his Kenyan partner, who was confined to a wheelchair, has been deported.

The video, which went viral, sparked outrage and drew the attention of the Ministry of Gender, under CS Aisha Jumwa, and Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba, who intervened to facilitate Nwankwo Noko’s deportation on Saturday, May 4th.

Surveillance cameras captured Noko assaulting the Kenyan woman, who was wheelchair-bound.

The footage, recorded in what appears to be a household setting, shows two women rushing to the victim’s aid and intervening to stop the altercation.

Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba took the case under her wing and engaged with relevant government agencies, including the Karen Police Station, where the incident was reported.

“It’s so difficult for people to come out even for Pauline to sit here with me as I tell her story. She is completely traumatized from 10 years of violence,” the lawmaker noted.

“I have affirmed that the man seen assaulting Pauline is a foreigner and is here on a work permit. Pauline has children with the man.” Senator Orwoba noted.

Nwankwo Noko was accused of threatening victim and attempts to slow down the case

He is further accused of threatening his victim as well as two domestic servants, warning them not to testify against him in court over the assault incident.

It is alleged that deliberate attempts were made to slow down the case even after it was formally taken up by the officers at Karen Police Station.

“The senator’s office took up the matter with the relevant authorities from Karen Police Station where the case had been reported and confirmed that there was indeed an attempt at slowing down the progress of the case through technicalities.

“The senator spoke to the OCS Karen Police Station as well as the investigation officer assigned to the matter, and the setback has since been rectified. The matter is currently in court.”

The Ministry of Gender, working closely with Ministry of Interior nabbed Noko who was being probed and processed for deportation on Saturday, May 4.

“Action has since been taken, and we appreciate the swift response and efforts made by Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Interior, Prof. Kithure Kindiki, and Principal Secretary Amb. Prof. Julius Bitok in expediting this process. Nwankwo Noko has been arrested and processed for deportation,” read a statement from the Gender Ministry, signed by Senator Orwoba and PS Anne Wang’ombe.

Watch the video below:

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