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Elderly Man Collapses, Dies In Court Waiting To Testif For Friend



Elderly man Ondo Court testifying for friend

An unidentified elderly man collapsed and died inside the Ondo State High Court in Oka, Ondo. The incident occurred before the court proceedings began.

Witnesses reported that the man was there to testify in a case involving his friend.

According to a court staff who wished to remain anonymous, the septuagenarian suddenly collapsed without any apparent cause or interaction with others.

The staff member described the situation, saying, “The man was with his friend in court. He stood up from his seat, fell, hit his head on the tiles, and passed away. He showed no signs of illness and did not collide with anything or anyone that could explain his death.”

Another witness, Tunde Ariyo, mentioned that officers from the Enu-Owa Police Division were called to transport the body to the mortuary. Police sources confirmed the incident, stating that the case has been transferred to the homicide section at the police headquarters in Akure.

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