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Kano Gov Snubs Court Order, Reinstates Sanusi As Emir



Governor Yusuf promised to report Judge who tried to stop reinstatement of Sanusi

Sanusi Muhammadu has been reinstated as the Emir of Kano after receiving his letter of appointment from Governor Abba Yusuf on Friday.

A picture trending online captured Governor Kabir Abba Yusuf presenting the document of return to Sanusi.

Recall that earlier, the Federal High Court in Kano state tried to halt the reinstatement of Sanusi II.

The court had issued an order stopping the Kano State Government from enforcing the Kano State Emirate Council Repeal Law.

The repealed law, known as the Kano State Emirs (Appointment and Deposition) Law, had created Rano, Karaye, Gaya, and Bichi Emirates in addition to Kano.

The law’s repeal meant that the newly created emirates had been dissolved, consolidating the Kano Emirate once again under a single ruler. will bring you more details in time….

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