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Okowa Not Policing My Government – Oborevwori



Oborevwori Okowa

Asaba, May 26, 2024 (NAN) Gov. Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta says Sen. Ifeanyi Okowa, the immediate past governor of the state, has never interfered in his decisions and choices since he assumed office.

Oborevwori stated this while reacting to speculations that the former governor was influencing his decisions.

The governor said this at a thanksgiving service held at the Living Faith Church, Ibusa Road, Asaba, in honour of his first anniversary in office.

Oborevwori, while commending Okowa and his wife, Dame Edith, for their wise counsel, also appreciated the residents’ support for his administration in the last one year.

He noted that the 2022 PDP governorship primary election was the most keenly contested in the state’s history, acknowledging he would not have been elected without God’s divine touch.

“From the pool of eminently qualified aspirants and in what was clearly the most contested governorship primaries in the history of Delta, I emerged winner by a wide margin.

“But, as I have always said, my emergence as the PDP governorship candidate for the 2023 general election was a product of divine choice.

“For, as the scriptures eloquently testify, the race is not for the swift, nor the battle for the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding; nor yet favour of men of skill but time and chance happened to them all.

“The above scripture best captured my emergence and enthronement as governor of Delta,” he said.

The governor recalled that his victories at the primaries and general election were greeted with avalanches of litigations threatening to subvert God’s will.

According to him, the state and the nation were shocked when he disclosed that he contended with 38 different lawsuits from persons determined to stop him.

“But, in all, God saw me through.

“Looking back, I am reminded of Psalm 34:19 which says that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

“This scripture describes the trials and temptations that I faced while the court cases lasted till Jan.19,” he said.

On his achievements within the year, Oborevwori said his administration had turned the state into a huge construction site with 317 projects across the state.

“Out of the 317 road projects, 76 of them, spanning 171.49km and 85.30km length of drains, were initiated by my administration in the last one year.

“A few days from now, we shall commence the inauguration of some of these roads and other projects in other sectors for the world to see what we have accomplished in the last one year by the grace of God.

“The past year has been one of trials and triumphs, tests and testimonies and adversity and hope; through it all God has been very faithful.

“Recently, God also showed Himself strong in my family by giving us a mighty deliverance in a car accident.

”Indeed, I owe Him a debt of gratitude for His unfailing love, goodness, protection and sustaining grace,” he said.

The governor assured the people of the state of his commitment to advancing the state in all aspects of socio-economic development.

In his sermon, the state Mission Overseer of Living Faith Church, Pastor Adekunle Shiyanbade, said the only way up was by giving regular thanks to God.

Shiyanbade said that the biblical King David excelled because he was a pathfinder in thanksgiving, while God dethroned King Nebuchadnezzar because he ascribed his victories to himself.

He commended the governor for deciding to thank God as his administration clocked one year and urged him not to relent in maintaining a cordial relationship with God.

The cleric outlined a change of level, divine preservation, multiplication, divine intervention, access to divine secrets, change of condition, and favour as seven wonders of thanksgiving.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the governor and his wife, Tobore, were joined by guests, including his deputy, Sir Monday Onyeme and his wife, Ezinne Catherine.

The service had in attendance the immediate past governor, Okowa, his wife, Edith, and former governor Emmanuel Uduaghan among other dignitaries. (NAN)

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