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Rage As Kidnappers Murder Two Abducted Students In Revenge Attack



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Two students of the University of Kogi State, James Michael Anajuwe and Musa Hussein, have been brutally murdered by their kidnappers in a forest in Kwara State. The students, who were abducted along with 21 others on May 9, 2024, were killed in a revenge attack after some of the kidnappers were killed during a rescue mission.

The Non-Governmental Organisation, Education For All (E4A), has strongly condemned the senseless murder, calling it “the height of callousness” by the kidnappers.

In a statement, E4A expressed sadness and shock at the killing, which occurred despite ongoing negotiations between the parents of the children and the kidnappers.

The NGO alleged that the kidnappers intended to scare young people from going to school and called for collective action against attackers of educational institutions. They commiserated with the families of the lost children and urged the Kogi State Government to work with its Kwara State counterpart to take decisive action against the perpetrators.

E4A also called on the National Security Adviser and the Federal Ministry of Education to reinvigorate efforts on the Safe School Initiative, stating that “it is unacceptable to lose children whose only offense was embracing education.” The organisation emphasized that the painful loss of the two students should provoke the nation to rise to the occasion and ensure the safety of schools across the country..
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