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Popular Nollywood Actor Slams Victor Osimhen’s Outburst, Urges Positivity



Nollywood actor Gideon Okeke has publicly rebuked Nigerian footballer Victor Osimhen for his fiery response to comments made by former Super Eagles manager Finidi George.

The controversy began when Finidi George alleged that Osimhen feigned an injury to avoid playing in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers against South Africa and Benin Republic.

Osimhen vehemently denied the claims, labeling them as false and refusing to be disrespected.

Weighing in on the matter, Gideon Okeke criticized Osimhen’s outburst, deeming it inappropriate and uncomfortable to watch. As a dedicated supporter of the Super Eagles, Okeke expressed his disappointment, emphasizing the importance of positivity and humility. He extended his support to Osimhen, urging him to speak kindly and remember that life’s experiences often come full circle.

Gideon Okeke wrote: “Victor Osimhen was way out of pocket with that outburst. Super Eagles happens to be the ONLY football team I personally support and follow. But I cringed for him, watching that outburst. Because this life plays out in cycles… All Love still, Vic… But talk well.”

The words of wisdom from Gideon Okeke encourage Osimhen and others to embrace positivity and graciousness, even in the face of adversity.
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