Things That Make Women Turn Away From Men - Green White Green -


Things That Make Women Turn Away From Men



Some actions of men easily put them off before women though it may have been love at first meeting. Here are five things men do that make women turn away from them

Asking for pictures too soon

If you start asking for pictures too early in the conversation, it can come across as pushy and make her uncomfortable and it is one of the actions that men do that make women to turn away from them.

Too many calls and texts

While communication is key, excessive contact can come off as needy or controlling, making you less appealing. In fact, when men start calling too often at the beginning of a relationship it may make some women to turn away as it may seem too intrusive.

Taking advantage of her kindness

 Relationships are about balance, so make sure you’re giving back as much as you receive to maintain her interest.

Always asking her to visit you

If you’re constantly asking her to come over to your place without making an effort to go to hers or meet in neutral spaces, it may signal that you’re only interested in convenience or intimacy.

Being inconsistent

Women value reliability and stability, so if you want to keep her interested, be consistent in your actions and words.

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