The Ondo State Police Command has provided insights into the heartbreaking death of a woman allegedly stabbed to death by her 17-year-old niece in Akure, shedding...
In a heartwarming tale of modern romance, a young woman named Precious, known as ADENLE PRECIOUS on Twitter, recently shared her journey from a chance encounter...
Authorities in Adamawa State have apprehended a 24-year-old woman named Besty Sabastine on suspicion of masterminding a robbery involving her friend’s iPhone. This arrest comes amid...
A distressing incident has come to light involving Saleem Ibrahim, a student at the University of Maiduguri, who is accused of violently attacking 21-year-old Hauwa Abatcha...
Geremi Njitap, the former Chelsea footballer, has initiated divorce proceedings after learning that he unknowingly raised twins for over a decade that were not biologically his....
As her son, Liam, prepares to celebrate his first birthday in a few weeks, Wunmi, the widow of late Afrobeats singer Mohbad, has expressed deep emotional...
Mrs. Francisca Emmanuel, the First Lady of World Redemption Ministry, sparked controversy with her recent remarks on marital submission. In a snippet shared on her Instagram...
The Bauchi State Police Command has apprehended three individuals suspected of stealing a motorcycle in the Gidan Ruwa area of the state. According to a statement...
Celebrated Nollywood actor Lateef Adedimeji has taken to his Instagram page to pen a touching tribute to his beloved wife, Mo Bimpe on her birthday. In...
A recent university graduate’s social media post has set tongues wagging after he received an unexpected posting for his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program. In...