A disturbing video circulating on social media shows a young man being beaten by his family members after reportedly selling off his late father’s property, valued...
Nollywood actress Ramota Adeotu, widely known as Aunty Ramota, has made an emotional plea to Nigerians for help after experiencing severe setbacks with her management and...
Nigerian singer Portable is facing a possible ban from entering Canada just months after securing his visa, as social activist Verydarkman has vowed to file formal...
A viral video circulating on social media has captured employees of the Ministry of Women Affairs celebrating following the dismissal of their former minister, Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye,...
Apostle Johnson Suleman, the Founder of Omega Fire Ministries, has publicly addressed the recent apology issued by Nollywood actress, Halima Abubakar, who had previously accused him...
Dr. Jamila Bio Ibrahim, the former Minister of Youth Development, has restricted access to her Twitter account following her sack by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. This...
Ijaw youths under the auspices of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) have called on the Federal Government to approve more funds for the Presidential Amnesty Programme...
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has approved the immediate implementation of eight far-reaching actions to reinvigorate the Administration’s capacity for optimal efficiency pursuant of his commitment to...
Months after growing calls for President Bola Tinubu to rejig his cabinet, the former Lagos State governor on Wednesday sacked five of his ministers. He also...
The management of Rosebud School in Idimu, Lagos, has expelled three students in response to a violent incident involving their father, Ayofe Kolawole, who assaulted a...