Former Oyo State Governor, High Chief Rashidi Ladoja, who holds the title of Otun Olubadan, has been officially crowned as a ceremonial Oba, marking a significant...
In a shocking incident, a man identified as Musa was caught in the Amuloko area of Ibadan, Oyo State, with a fresh human head in his...
Tension has filled Takum community after gunmen suspected to be bandits k!lled five passengers and the driver of a commercial vehicle traveling from the Local Government...
In a shocking revelation, the Personal Assistant (PA) to the popular caterer in Ondo state and a Chief Executive Officer, CEO, Mrs Debbie Olakunbi Adene, has...
The Buji Local Government Council of Jigawa has confirmed the death of a 30-year-old man and his two-year-old son in a building collapse that occurred in...
Pastor Kayode Pitan has been named the new pastor of the City of David Parish in Lagos, a prominent branch of the Redeemed Christian Church of...
The Nigerian man whose wife tore his international passport at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos has finally spoken up. His reaction comes after his...
The Nigerian woman who caused a stir on social media after tearing up her husband’s international passport at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos has...
Critic, Muhsin Ibrahim, has publicly rebuked popular skit maker, Dan Bello, over his constant outspoken satirical criticism of corruption in Nigeria. reports that this is...
A 14-year-old boy, identified as Malik Kareem, was reportedly beheaded for ritual in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital on Saturday. The incident that occurred at the...