In an incident captured on camera, a prominent Orthodox Bishop was brutally stabbed while delivering a sermon at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, Sydney’s...
In an unusual campaign strategy, a video has surfaced online showing a parliamentary candidate in Ghana, Mike Oquaye Jnr, of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) engaging...
Former President Donald Trump made a courtroom appearance on Monday, April , in the first of his three criminal trials, facing allegations related to hush money...
A lifestyle blogging father has confessed to starving his newborn son to death after trying to prove the baby could survive on nothing but sunlight. His...
By Gideon Ayeni
The sudden and tragic death of a young Ghanaian entrepreneur known simply as Sam has sent shockwaves through the local community, as authorities investigate allegations of...
By GWG International Affairs Correspondent
Iran has launched several drones that are now headed toward Israel and could take as much as nine hours to arrive, in an attack that could...
Lori and George Schappell, the oldest conjoined twins in the world, have died at the age of 62. The siblings died Sunday from undisclosed causes at...
In a troubling incident, twin sisters aged 14, who had been missing for a month, were discovered in a hotel in Allen Park, Detroit, in the...