The management of Beautiful Beginning Academy (BBA), located in Gudu District, Abuja, has refuted allegations of bullying following a viral video that surfaced on Monday. The...
The tragic incident at Ajayi Crowther University, ACU arising from the killing of a student from Warri over allegations of phone theft is stoking ethnic tension...
The father of Namtira Bwala, the student who was brutally bullied by her classmates, including Maryam Hassan, has called on the management of Lead British International...
Namtira Bwala, the student at the center of the recent bullying incident at Lead British International School (LBIS), has bravely shared her account of the traumatic...
By Gideon Ayeni
Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological...