In a thought-provoking social media post, a young lady has sparked a conversation about the changing dynamics of dating, questioning why men no longer woo women...
In a tale that has captivated social media, a Nigerian man, known by the handle @kayzywizzzy, shared a fascinating story about a friend who devised a...
Dating after you have passed 40 is about using what you have learned and enjoying the excitement of meeting new people. It’s not just about finding...
In a thought-provoking turn of events, a Nigerian woman named Rosemary Isong has sparked a heated debate on social media by sharing her discomfort with the...
Skit-maker De General has candidly opened up about his distinctive dating preferences noting his preference for women aged between 18 and 24. Known for his humorous...
Evelina Meadder tied the nuptial knot to her long term boyfriend Calgent Wilson who is 73 years old in a grand wedding in Jamaica. According to...