In a deeply emotional and heart-wrenching incident, a 44-year-old man named Mr. Kola Arike from Ikire, Osun State, found himself shattered after discovering through a DNA...
Twitter user Wummy Dero sent the internet into a frenzy by asserting that the DNA result of the late singer Mohbad’s son, Liam, is now available...
Svante Paabo, a Swedish scientist, has been named the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine following in the path of his father, Sune...
Presiding Justice of an Ikeja Special Offences Court Justice Sherifat Solebo has discharged and acquitted a 53-year-old landlord, Sanni Arowolo, who was previously accused of impregnating his...
Music producer, Champagnebeatz, has been accused of telling lies hours after coming out with claims of paternity fraud against the mother of his children. A lady,...
A man identified as Michael Mokoena, who is known for flaunting ‘his’ child and the child’s mother on Facebook, has shared a heartbreaking update after discovering...