Jada Pollock, a key figure in the entertainment industry, has shared her frustration about being labeled as “Wizkid’s baby mama,” despite her significant professional achievements. She...
Wizkid’s American-born manager turned baby mama, Jada Pollock has received admiration from concerned Nigerians on the occasion of her 40th birthday, who, however, note their failure...
In a surprising turn of events, Nigerian music sensation Wizkid and his long-time talent manager, Jada Pollock, have fueled speculation among fans and netizens alike after...
Popular Nigerian singer, Wizkid has sparked reactions from fans after a video of him and a lady surfaced. Wizkid who recently reconciled with his babymama and...
Jada Pollock, the manager, and baby mama to Nigerian singer, Wizkid, has shared a cryptic post online, which raised suspicions that all is not well in...
Jada Pollock, talent manager and baby mama of Nigerian superstar singer, Wizkid for the first time shared a picture of her newborn baby and her first...
Babymama and manager to Nigerian Grammy award-winning singer, Wizkid, Jada Pollock has confirmed rumours of her pregnancy. Recall that earlier this year, there were speculations that...
Award winning singer, Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, popularly known as Wizkid is reportedly expecting another child with his manager/baby mama, Jada Pollock. According to an Instagram blog,...
Jada Pollock an International music executive disclosed that she found it degrading to be referred to as a baby mama to popular Nigerian singer, Wizkid. Jada...
Wizkid’s manager and baby mama Jada Pollock has reacted to the reports of an artist ‘Wise Kid’ copying his music to boost his streaming numbers on...