In a surprising turn of events, a workplace drama unfolded when a lady, identified as Donna, shared a shocking love story on Twitter. Donna, who works...
In a surprising revelation, a woman recently took to social media to share an unusual request made by her sugar daddy of the approach of his...
An unfaithful husband has gone online to lament after getting a taste of his own medicine as his wife has gone ahead to cheat on him...
In a troubling relationship saga that has stirred intense debate online, a Nigerian final year student has found herself at crossroads after her boyfriend, who supported...
Don Jazzy, the CEO of Mavin Records, has taken to his Instagram account to express confusion over reports that he missed his wedding. The renowned music...
In a heartwarming and unconventional twist of fate, a lady recently took a courageous leap of love by proposing to her boyfriend of seven years, who...
Getting married is a lifetime commitment that must not be compromised and getting a husband who is not self-centered is the delight of every woman. However,...
Being temperamental is even more disturbing in marriage, when a partner is constrained to live with such for the lifespan of the marriage. Here are ways to...
Skit-maker De General has candidly opened up about his distinctive dating preferences noting his preference for women aged between 18 and 24. Known for his humorous...
Cheating is a painful betrayal that can shatter the trust and foundation of any relationship and mending can be particularly tasking. The revelation of a romantic...