In an online sensation that has captivated audiences worldwide, the emotional turmoil of a Ghanaian woman unfolds in a heart-wrenching video, shedding light on the devastating...
In a heart-wrenching revelation, a single mother, identified as Favour, has bravely shared her anguish after her fiancé abruptly ended their relationship through a text message....
A couple’s dreams of a fairy-tale wedding were shattered when their meticulously planned and lavishly organized ceremony turned into a deserted affair, leaving them heartbroken and...
In a relationship, when a partner isn’t proposing, it might lead the other person to think that they are not serious about their bond. Here are...
In a scene captured on video, a young woman was seen sobbing uncontrollably as she hesitated to leave a lodge after spending several days with her...
In a candid interview with Pulse Hot Takes, renowned relationship guru Blessing Okoro Nkiruka, popularly known as Blessing CEO, made bold assertions about the work ethic...
A viral video circulating on social media has captured a shocking moment during a church service where a pastor’s romantic gesture took an unexpected turn with...
The tranquil setting of Gweru’s Mkoba Village in Zimbabwe was shattered by a tragic incident on Saturday night, February 10, 2024, as a 34-year-old woman was...
A video circulating on social media has ignited discussions as a young Nigerian woman’s dramatic response to a breakup message from her boyfriend days before Valentine’s...
In a heartwarming display of simplicity and resilience, a bride and groom hailing from Okpokwu Local Government Area of Benue State recently made headlines with their...