The management of Beautiful Beginning Academy (BBA), located in Gudu District, Abuja, has refuted allegations of bullying following a viral video that surfaced on Monday. The...
A disturbing incident involving a young boy and a masquerade has gone viral, sparking widespread reactions online. The video, shared by an X user @Naija_PR, shows...
A disturbing video has surfaced on social media, capturing a young Nigerian man tied to an iron rod connected to a welding machine, receiving electric shocks...
Prince Ken Ogbe, a leader and disciple of Pastor Lazarus Muoka, founder of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, has issued a stern warning to social...
Mourners attending a funeral service via Zoom were inadvertently exposed to an unexpected sight when a mother-of-two accidentally left her camera on, revealing her naked body...
Nigerian international music star, Ahmed Ololade, aka Asake has apparently snubbed an ultimatum to pull down a music video that saw him allegedly offending the sensibilities...
Isaac Fayose, the brother of a former Ekiti State Governor, recently made headlines as he confronted a yet-to-be-identified minister for allegedly violating traffic rules in Maitama,...