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Four Possible Ways The War In Ukraine May End



Russia Ukraine war end

The Russia-Ukraine war has entered the second week with potential consequences on the world economy and is envisaged to end in four plausible ways.

Russia may instal puppet regime

After weeks of intense fighting in Kyiv and other major cities, Russia  may manage to topple Ukraine’s government and install a puppet regime. But from every indication, both the military and civilian population in Ukraine have not shown any indication to surrender to the enemy. That is one possible way that the Russia – Ukraine war may end.

Ukraine Might stop Russia’s advance

Encouraged  by defensive assistance from NATO members, Ukraine’s military and civilian resistance overcome the odds and grind Moscow’s advance to a halt, preventing Russian President Vladimir Putin from toppling Kyiv’s democratic government and establishing a puppet regime.  In that case Russia may pay dearly for  its adventurism.

Opposition against puppet regime

Ukraine  may eventually collapse under the weight of the Russian invasion. Despite intense opposition, Russian forces  could manage to take control of the country through the use of increasingly heavy-handed weapons and tactics.

Though there may be  resistance against a Putin-installed puppet government that is simmering and omnipresent, the resistance may be  put down with brutal force   because  it does not prove strong enough to pose a significant challenge to the substantial Russian forces that  would remain in Ukraine.

A NATO-Russia war

NATO could decide to escalate its involvement in Ukraine by, for example, attempting to implement a no-fly zone or another form of direct intervention. For now, the United States and other NATO allies have rejected implementing a no-fly zone, but that  could change if Russia continues to escalate its bombardment of civilians. This is another possible way that the Russia – Ukraine war may end.

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