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Five Countries Outside Nigeria Where Igbo Language Is Spoken

Besides the five Igbo states of Anambra, Abia, Imo, Ebonyi, and Enugu and neighbouring Delta, Kogi and Rivers States where the Igbo language is spoken, there are at least five countries outside Nigeria where the Igbo language is well spoken.
Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea
Igbo language and the Igbo people are also found in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
Sold into slavery, Igbo people spread the language through slave colonies as a result of the Atlantic slave trade. According to Wikipedia, examples can be found in Jamaican Patois. Red eboe refers to a fair-skinned black person due to the recorded accounts of a fair or yellowish complexion tone among the Igbo
Wikipedia also reveals that Barbadians frequently referred to Barbados as “Bim,” a nickname for the island (Bajans). This word is thought to have originated in the Igbo language and be derived from the phrase “my people,” which is bi mu (or bem, Ndi bem, Nwanyi ibem, or Nwoke ibem and it is no surprise that Barbados is one of the countries outside Nigeria where the Igbo language is spoken.
The Igbo language is still spoken in Cuba, along with the Efik language, but in a creolized version. In ceremonies of the Abakuá culture, you can see traces of the Igbo Culture.
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