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Toke Makinwa’s Ex Opens Up On How Divorce Made Him Nigeria’s Fitness Guru



Toke Makinwa ayida

Maje Ayida, the ex-husband of television celebrity, Toke Makinwa has spoken of how the dark moments of their public divorce helped in transforming him into one of the country’s leading personal fitness coaches.

Speaking in an interview Ayida also espoused the virtues of personal discipline especially in physical exercise in attaining full potentials for every individual. According to him, 90% of chief executives were conscious of self-discipline and maintain their fitness regimens daily.

Ayida spoke in an interview on the Transformation Show anchored on Arise News Television on Saturday.

Noting how after the loss of his mother turned into a big personal blow, Maje Ayida spoke of how his situation was worsened by what he described as a personal public issue (divorce with Makinwa) brought him to a low.

Maje Ayida speaking on how fitness culture changed him especially after his troubles with his ex, Toke Makinwa reports that following the publication of her all tell-all book that Ayida dragged Makinwa to court for defamation and obtained a N1 million judgement against her.

Speaking on the spin offs of fitness and how it transformed him at the lowest moments of his life which he said was in the public though he did not mention, Makinwa by name, Maje Ayida, one of Nigeria’s leading fitness coaches said:

“It is something that is not a choice, it is not a luxury, it is not an option, it is mandatory. It is necessary for our survival. You must be mobile, you must be active, you must exercise. It requires discipline and those principles that you learn in disciplining yourself to exercise absolutely spin over into the rest of your life and that is where the power of coaching is.

“Coaching is not going to tell you what to do or where to do it, it gives you the tools necessary and among those tools is discipline.”

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