World Teachers’ Day: Four Ways To Show Love To A Teacher

Since 1994, UNESCO has recognised October 5 as World Teachers’ Day in observance of the adoption of a recommendation regarding the status of teachers on that day.
The recommendation established guidelines for teachers’ duties and rights as well as requirements for initial training, continuing education, employment, and working conditions that support teaching and learning.
The roles and importance of teachers in students’ lives are undeniable and can never be overemphasized. Here are four ways you can appreciate a teacher on this day.
Interact with them personally
If you are at liberty to physically meet with your favourite teachers today, then you should endeavour to do so. Reach out to them and let them know how powerful their impacts are on your life and career. Recount and relish past experiences with them and pour encomium on them for all the sacrifices they’ve made/ making in ensuring you have a meaningful life.
Send a surprise gift to them On World Teachers’ Day
From mothers to fathers, friends and siblings, it is an undeniable fact that everyone appreciates and loves to be surprised with a gift. It will even be more appreciated if the gift is coming on a memorable day. Think of anything that your teachers will like and send it to them as a gift on this special day. It could be a phone/laptop, wristwatches, shoes, clothes and the like.
Credit their account
Though you cannot repay for the sacrifice, love and services rendered by your teacher but you can appreciate them by sending them money if you are capable of doing so on a special day like this. . Put a smile on your teacher’s face today by crediting their account with something today.
Celebrate them on social media
Nothing beats the feelings of a teacher knowing that his/her students are proud of them. You can make your teachers happy by littering your social media platforms with pictures of them and somehow make sure they get to see them.
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