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Father Of Two Electrocuted On High-Tension Pole In Yenagoa Attempting Power Connection



Father Of Two Electrocuted in Yenagoa

A father of two, known only as Amas, has tragically lost his life on Friday after being electrocuted on a high-tension pole in Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State. The incident occurred near the Ekeki Police Station on Azikoro Road.

Amas, who was not an employee of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), lived in the neighborhood. He was on the pole attempting to connect clients to the federal power line, which is known for providing a more reliable power supply of 12-13 hours daily, unlike the local power lines.

Reports indicate that Amas, who hailed from Nembe Local Government Area, was left hanging on the pole for several hours before PHCN officials arrived to bring him down. This unfortunate incident highlights the ongoing struggles with power supply in the area, pushing individuals to take dangerous risks to secure electricity.

According to an eyewitness, who gave his identity as Micheal Orubo, “Amas lives on our street, and most of the connection work in this area he attends to them, why has death come to him in such a way? He just left us where we were playing a chess game, and said he was coming back but never returned”

He was easygoing, who will care for the two kids he has left behind. The money he gets from these electric connections is what he manages to feed his family with. What manner of death is this, someone we were with throughout this period of rain, so he left to fix the connection immediately after the rain.

Another eyewitness said, “He just passed me not more than five minutes, immediately after the rain stopped. The next thing I heard was people screaming, we rushed to the scene of the incident but we couldn’t help it, because he was wearing a belt so it held him tight to the pole, there was nothing the people could do because we were all scared and it was still raining”

It took several hours for PHCN officials to arrive and remove Amas’s lifeless body from the pole. His mother, who has a shop near the accident site, was devastated upon hearing the news. She has been in deep shock since then and couldn’t bring herself to come out and see his body. People are now trying to comfort her during this tragic time, as it’s heart-wrenching to know he is gone.

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