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Breaking News: Finidi George Resigns As Super Eagles Head Coach



NFF accept resignation of Finidi

Finidi George has reportedly resigned from his position as the head coach of the Super Eagles, mere weeks after his appointment.

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) had intended for him to continue in his role alongside a foreign technical adviser, but George opted to step down, paving the way for the new coach to take full charge of the team. reports that this sudden development comes on the heels of two recent matches under George’s leadership: a draw against South Africa and a 2-1 loss to Benin Republic in the 2026 World Cup Qualifier matches.

Despite the brief tenure, George’s resignation has sent shockwaves through the football community, leaving fans and stakeholders wondering about the implications for the team’s future.

As the news continues to unfold, the NFF is expected to make an official announcement and clarify the next steps for the Super Eagles. For now, the search for a new head coach begins, and the football community waits with bated breath to see who will take the reins and lead the team forward.
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