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Emotions As Plateau Church Regathers After Christmas Day Massacre (video)



Church in Plateau regathering after massacre

A viral video capturing a Church in Plateau state, regathering after herdsmen launched a massacre attack against it in December 2023, has stirred emotions among many.

Recall that on Christmas’ Eve last year, over 150 people were killed and over 10,000 persons displaced, after separate attacks by herdsmen in remote villages in North Plateau state.

Officials and survivors confirmed the Christmas Eve attacks and blamed the killings on the farmer-herder crisis in Nigeria.

A former Atheist and American based Legal Counsel, Sean Nelson, who paid a visit to the church, couldn’t hide his emotions as he saw the villagers coming out to praise God despite suffering persecution for Christ.

Sharing the experience of his visit to the church accompanied with the video, via his Official X handle, ‘@Sean ADFInti’, Nelson said, “This church is where the Christmas massacres began in Bokkos, Plateau, Nigeria.

“As we were visiting, the villagers all came & spontaneously began singing & praising the Lord. They just returned from IDP camps weeks ago & need more security. May God hear & multiply their song!”

The ex atheist added, “It was so moving. They hadn’t had anyone from the West walk & speak & fellowship with them there since Christmas.

“It”s such a beautiful place. I can’t understand the evil that would set out to destroy such a beautiful & peaceful people. But God’s within us can’t be destroved.”

Watch video below 👇

See other emotional reactions that trailed the video as gathered by

@MissPearls said, “Awwww, I feel emotional hearing them singing one of my best Christian Hausa songs ‘Allah mungode, Hallelujah, domin kaunar ka zuwa gare mu, Hallelujah

“Despite all they’ve been through, they are still singing and thanking God for his love!

I pray God truly comforts, rebuild and protect them as the Government doesn’t care at all. Thanks for visiting, Sean!”

 @Gentlejerome said, “This is so emotional As the scripture says “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?’

Such a resilient people and I hope that sometime we will be able to stand with and for them.”

@GreatSuccess said, “I love Nigerian northern Christian’s so much.. their faith and long suffering is strong as a rock… more Grace IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.”

Alomaja Adebayo Oluwadamil said, “This is a challenge to those of us in the South.”

 @justrump said, “These Christians are very much worth emulating… May God bless their souls and multiply them. May the heavens open up and hear all your demands.”

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