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KOK Opens Up About Marriage Struggles, Igbo Man’s Opposition To Divorce (Video)



Renowned Nigerian actor Kanayo O. Kanayo shared his candid thoughts on the complexities of marriage during an appearance on Nedu’s podcast, The Honest Bunch. The veteran actor, often referred to as KOK, revealed that he has been separated from his wife for nearly four years.

In the heartfelt interview, Kanayo reflected on the concept of marriage and divorce, noting that his understanding of divorce evolved significantly after moving to Lagos. He suggested that a certain mindset prevalent among young couples in the city undermines marital stability.

Kanayo emphasized that many Igbo men are traditionally opposed to divorce, preferring to endure difficult marriages rather than leave them. He highlighted the cultural tendency to remain in challenging relationships, despite the emotional toll it may take.

Watch him speak in the video below;

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