In a heartfelt gesture of compassion, Nollywood producer Chukwuma Innocent Ideh has stepped forward to aid the families of the makeup artist and soundman who tragically...
A video featuring Natasha, a prominent Nigerian crossdresser, has ignited a storm across social media platforms. In the clip, Natasha boldly declared himself the ‘acting mummy...
In an incident that has rocked the community of Gubio Local Government Area in Borno State, a woman identified as Aisha Bukar Gambo was allegedly stabbed...
By Gideon Ayeni
In a compassionate move aimed at ensuring a dignified farewell for Abigail Frederick, the makeup artist tragically lost in a boat mishap alongside Nollywood actor Junior...
Nollywood actress Destiny Etiko has responded to the recent prophecy warning her of potential dangers on movie sets, including a plot to poison her. In a...
In a bold move to address swirling rumors and speculation, Ivy Ifeoma has broken her silence regarding her alleged involvement in the divorce of Paul Psquare,...
The Commissioner of Police in Edo State, Funsho Adegboye, has taken decisive action against Police Constable Prince Chima following allegations of threatening individuals with a firearm...
The sudden and tragic death of a young Ghanaian entrepreneur known simply as Sam has sent shockwaves through the local community, as authorities investigate allegations of...
A 16-year-old maid identified as Peace from Calabar has been apprehended after confessing to a chilling plot to poison her employer’s family. The disturbing revelation came...