Popular socialite DJ Cuppy has responded to a first-class botany graduate who reminded her of her past desire to date a botanist. The graduate, who achieved...
Young Duu, a former signee of Portable, has stirred up diverse reactions on Twitter after making a bold move towards Nigerian music sensation DJ Cuppy. The...
Billionaire heiress, DJ Cuppy has found herself in the midst of online controversy after she reached out to a Nigerian admirer, Asiwaju Lerry, who had allegedly...
Billionaire heiress and renowned disc jockey, DJ Cuppy has found herself in the spotlight as netizens weigh in on her single status following her emergence as...
Renowned socialite and billionaire heiress, DJ Cuppy Otedola, recently shared insights into her past relationship with British fiancé, Ryan Taylor, shedding light on the challenges that...
Popular socialite and DJ, Cuppy, has responded with humor to revelations made by her ex-fiancé, Ryan Taylor, regarding the unique reason behind his past breakups. Ryan...
Billionaire heiress Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola, professionally known as DJ Cuppy, recently shared insights on why she hasn’t released a new song in almost four years. She...
Internet sensation Aunty Ramota has sparked online reactions with a recently surfaced video that showed her stepping out with vibrant pink hair, elevating her distinctive fashion...
Popular disc jockey, DJ Cuppy has revealed that she almost failed her master’s programme at the University of Oxford. Recall that the billionaire’s daughter revealed in...
British boxer Ryan Taylor, once engaged to Nigerian disc jockey DJ Cuppy, opened up about the breakup of the former loverbirds. Posting a photo of himself...