Following the tragic passing of Nollywood actor Jnr Pope Odonwodo, attention has shifted to the welfare of his young wife, Qute Jay, in the wake of...
In a startling revelation that has sparked controversy and disbelief, a Nollywood actor has come forward to allege that Junior Pope’s reported demise was not genuine...
Nollywood actor TC Okafor has announced his decision to quit acting following a harrowing boat accident that claimed the lives of four of his colleagues, including...
Efforts by renowned actress Ruth Kadiri, along with AGN President Emeka Rollas, Regina Daniels, Rita Daniels, and other Nollywood stars to save the life of deceased...
Nollywood actor TC Okafor has opened up about his miraculous survival and the boat accident that claimed the lives of his colleague, Pope Odonwodo, popularly known...
In a revealing discussion that has sparked cultural insights and debates following the death of Junior Pope, a Nigerian man has shed light on the traditional...
In response to the tragic passing of Nollywood actor Junior Pope Odonwodo, the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has taken decisive action aimed at ensuring the...
The Nigerian entertainment community was rocked by a wave of shock and disbelief as news of the demise of Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo, began to...
The Nigerian entertainment industry is plunged into mourning as news emerged of the untimely passing of Nollywood actor Junior Pope Odonwodo. The talented actor reportedly drowned...
Popular Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo on Thursday prostrated flat on the floor after meeting with his senior colleague Kanayo O. Kanayo. The father of three...