Renowned clergyman Pastor Odumeje has stirred up a whirlwind of controversy online following an incident where he rebuked a young boy for correcting his pronunciation during...
As preparations for Prophet Odumeje’s upcoming event in London, titled “Indaboski Bahose London 2024,” gain momentum, a Nigerian man based in New York has issued a...
Controversial Prophet, Odumeje has set tongues wagging with his strange deliverance session on a Reverend sister. The controversial Prophet was seen lying over the Reverend Sister...
Prophet Odumeje, the flamboyant clergyman who recently marked his 41st birthday, took center stage in a spirited celebration that garnered attention from Nollywood heavyweights and his...
Chukwuma Soludo, Anambra State Governor on Friday said the official of the state task force who manhandled Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere alias ‘Odumeje’ in the Onitsha area...
Some parts of the building belonging to the Overseer of Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere alias ‘Odumeje’ in Onitsha, Anambra...
Odumeje, the controversial Onitsha-based clergyman, has berated Chris Okotie over his derogatory and and resentful remark about TB Joshua. TB Joshua, who was the founder of...
“When you are good, I will say it that you are good and when you are bad I will say it that you are bad. Odumeje...
Prophet Odumeje popularly known as “Liquid metal” pays a visit to market women in Onitsha market, where’s he’s given a kingly welcome. The current sensation in...