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Ex BBN Star Leo Dasilva Stirs Debate On Headphones And Marriage



Former Big Brother Naija star, Leo Babarinde Dasilva, has recently expressed his opinion that individuals living in London may struggle with finding love due to their attachment to headphones.

In a tweet, he commented on the common trend of people wearing headphones in public and suggested that this could be a barrier to connecting with potential romantic partners.

Leo Babarinde Dasilva, who is known for his appearances on the Nigerian reality TV show, Big Brother Naija, has a significant following on social media. His recent comments on the dating scene in London have attracted attention from both his fans and the wider public.

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According to Dasilva, many people in London seem to be single, despite the city’s large population and diverse social scene. He suggests that one possible reason for this is that people are too attached to their headphones, which can prevent them from engaging with others in a meaningful way.

He tweeted:

“London is funny tbh.

All of you are single but you won’t remove headphones from your ears so you can listen to your potentials trying to hit you up.

Many of you will remain single”.

Leo Dasilva’s comments have sparked some debate online, with some people agreeing that wearing headphones can make it harder to meet new people, while others argue that this is not necessarily the case.

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