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Yul Edochie Explains Break In His Online Ministry, Promises To Expose Secrets Of Evil Powers



Yul Edochie third wife

Nollywood actor and clergyman Yul Edochie has broken his silence on his temporary break from his online ministry, revealing that he took time off to spiritually prepare himself for God’s work. In an Instagram post, he shared that God took him on a journey, revealing many secrets and insights during his hiatus.

Addressing his church members, Yul emphasized the importance of attending his upcoming live broadcast, promising to expose hidden truths and teach them how to protect themselves from evil forces. He stressed that religion alone cannot save people and that prayer, though essential, is not enough to combat the persistence of evil.

See his post below; reports that Yul’s online ministry, The Salvation Ministry, was launched in January, and despite initial skepticism, he has continued to garner a following. His first online service in January saw a lady testify to being miraculously healed during his sermon, and he has since shared messages on embracing traditional practices and warning against religious obsession.

In his latest post, Yul encouraged his followers to tune in to his live broadcast on YouTube and TikTok, promising an “explosive” reveal of secrets and strategies to counter the devil’s plans. With his ministry gaining momentum, it remains to be seen what revelations Yul has in store for his audience.
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