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The Life Of A Hustler

By Ewere Okonta




In Nigeria today, life is challenging for the average citizen. The harsh economic realities have made it even tougher for salary earners, whose income is fixed. The struggle is real, and for many, their monthly pay doesn’t cover the basics.

Imagine working tirelessly, only to find that your salary cannot fuel your car for the month, let alone feed your family, pay rent, afford schooling for your kids, or take care of utility bills. These are the daily hurdles faced by salary earners in this “Balablue Economy.”

Life is hard, but for the hustler, there is always a way out. A hustler is driven by the need to survive, adapt, and thrive in the face of adversity. For the true hustler, there’s no challenge too great, no obstacle too steep.

A hustler will go to school, excel, and earn a certificate—only to set it aside and hustle like an illiterate. In a country where opportunity is scarce and uncertainty looms large, this may seem like the only practical path to survival.

Unlike salary earners who are confined to a fixed monthly income, hustlers understand that they cannot afford to live within such rigid limits. They must find ways to augment their income, to diversify their streams of revenue, and to adapt to the ever-increasing cost of living. Every hustler must have their pay day, but to reach that day, it requires grit, resilience, and resourcefulness.

To my fellow salary earners, I offer this advice: look inward and think outside the box. A side hustle is no longer a luxury—it is a necessity. But in your pursuit of additional income, remember to balance it with your office productivity. Don’t allow the hustle to compromise your primary source of income, but instead, let it serve as a bridge to financial freedom.

Start something, no matter how small. Don’t be ashamed of your hustle. Whether it’s running a small online business, offering freelance services, or engaging in a skill you have passion for—begin today. Be consistent. Chase your dreams and passion relentlessly. Do not quit until you win. Success may not come overnight, but it will come if you are committed.

In this hustle-driven economy, avoiding consumer debt is crucial. Don’t fall into the trap of borrowing to maintain a lifestyle you cannot afford.

Similarly, be wary of “black tax,” the unspoken obligation to financially support extended family members. While it’s important to help others, ensure that you prioritize your own financial stability first.

Every hustler must survive this economic crunch. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. The goal is to break free from the poverty ladder and achieve financial independence.

Remember: a poor man has no friends, but a hustler with ambition has the tools to transform their circumstances. Hustle tight, and one day, you will break even. Keep going until you break through.

May God see us all through these tough times. And remember, every hustler must have a pay day. Keep hustling until yours arrives.

*Ewere Okonta is the CEO of EOB Media. He writes from the Department of Business Administration, University of Delta, Agbor*

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