The Rivers State Police Command has made a significant arrest, apprehending a human rights activist named Micheal Chidozie. The arrest follows a tragic incident where Chidozie...
Jake Paul is gearing up for a showdown with former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson in a boxing extravaganza slated to stream live on Netflix. Scheduled for...
Nigerian comedian Oghenekowhoyan Onaibe Desmond, professionally known as DesTalker, has shared his poignant journey battling depression and grappling with multiple suicide attempts. His revelation, unveiled just...
Nigerian disc jockey, Florence Otedola, known as DJ Cuppy has confidently shared a revelation about her past relationships, boasting about footing the bills on dates. The...
A Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Super Mushshak trainer aircraft was involved in a minor mishap earlier today, 7 March 2024, at about 2.35pm. The accident, which...
In a tale that has captured the attention of many, a woman embarked on a 10-hour journey to reunite with her ex-lover, a mere three months...
In a surprising twist, Musiliu Akinsanya, better known as MC Oluomo and the head honcho of the Lagos state NURTW, made headlines by generously donating cars...
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the vibrant life of Chidimma Susan Ezenyili, affectionately known as Suzy, has been abruptly cut short in Bishop’s Stortford, United...
The Lagos State Safety Commission and Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) have jointly resolved to enforce indoor smoking regulations in nightclubs, bars, and lounges across...
The Ogun State Government is gravely concerned about a disturbing trend in Abeokuta, the state capital: the disposal of dead babies in public waste bins. Commissioner...