At the prestigious BRIT Awards, held on Saturday night, Divine Ikubor, widely known as Rema, captivated audiences with his dynamic performance. Amidst a gathering of global...
Chaos erupted in Zaria, Kaduna State on Friday as residents looted cartons of noodles from a moving truck belonging to the BUA company. The incident occurred...
MTN Nigeria Plc faced a significant financial setback in its 2023 fiscal year, as revealed by its report released on the Nigeria Exchange Limited (NGX) on...
Spotlights Role of African Philanthropy in Transforming the Development Agenda in Africa At a time of renewed geopolitical interest in Africa, and an increasing questioning of...
In the realm of Nigerian reality television, Queen Mercy Atang, a beloved figure from BBNaija, continues to bask in the glow of her engagement to her...
Victor Osimhen, has picked up four nominations at the esteemed 10th Nigeria Pitch Awards. These nominations, including ‘Striker of the Year’, ‘King of the Year’, ‘Sam...
The police in a small town in Herne, Germany have launched an investigation into the whereabouts of a man’s genital that was bitten off by his...
President Bola Tinubu’s recent criticism of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has sparked outrage and heated debate across the country. Many Nigerians took to social media...
Air Peace has captured headlines with its announcement, heralding a new era of affordability in air travel with a reduced airfare to London but at the...
Anthony Joshua, the revered two-time former unified world heavyweight champion, is preparing to step into the ring against former UFC champion Francis Ngannou. Set for March...