A powerful video has emerged from Eagle Square Abuja, showcasing a defiant protester with a physical disability, who bravely stood his ground despite police firing multiple...
A devastating incident has unfolded in Niger State, where three peaceful protesters were reportedly shot and killed by police during a nationwide demonstration. The tragic event...
Renowned Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo has thrown her weight behind the ongoing End Bad Governance protest, urging President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to ensure a peaceful demonstration....
A wave of destruction swept through Kano state as the protest in the city took a violent turn on Thursday leaving a trail of vandalism with...
The nationwide protest against the hike in fuel prices, food costs, and daily amenities has seen Nigerians coming out in large numbers, with many celebrities cheering...
A dramatic scene unfolded in Ojota, Lagos, as protesters against bad government were confronted by a counter group advocating for itwo opposing groups faced off over...
By Gideon Ayeni
By Gideon Ayeni
By Gideon Ayeni
By Gideon Ayeni