In a startling escalation of the tumultuous saga within Mr Ibu’s family a legal twist has emerged with the ailing actor’s wife, Stella Maris, reportedly ordering...
In a new twist to the issues around Nollywood star, Mr Ibu, his wife has reversed her earlier claims against the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN)...
Popular actor Mr Ibu’s family is in the spotlight as his wife, Stella Maris, shares a video of herself feeding him while he battles illness, amidst...
Amidst the swirling allegations suggesting a romantic involvement between Nollywood veteran actor Mr Ibu and his adopted daughter, Jasmine, the latter has finally broken her silence....
The ongoing saga in the life of veteran actor John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, has taken another twist as the ailing actor responds to...
A leaked audio recording circulating on the internet has sent shockwaves through Nigeria, purportedly featuring actor Mr Ibu confirming that he had a past romantic involvement...
Stella Maris, the wife of actor John Okafor, aka Mr Ibu, has alleged that her husband’s second son, Daniel adopted daughter, Jasmine, are secretly married. She...
Nigerian activist VeryDarkMan has released audio recordings featuring actor Mr Ibu, where he accused his wife, Stella Maris, of attempting to harm him. This revelation follows...
Jasmine Okafor, daughter of beloved Nollywood actor John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, has confirmed her father’s recent leg amputation in a heartfelt statement posted...
One of the legs of veteran Nollywood actor, John Okafor fondly known as Mr Ibu, has been amputated his family announced on Monday afternoon. The family...