Three Fruits To Avoid During First Trimester Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a journey with many changes; one of such changes is diet: There are some foods including fruits that are safe and those that are not safe to eat. Here are three fruits to avoid during pregnancy first trimester.
Some experts advise that’s it safe to eat while some say it should be avoided. While grapes do have high levels of vitamin A and C which are important nutrients for pregnant moms, there are a few reasons why you might want to steer clear from grapes in your first trimester because it can lead to constipation among others.
Ripe and semi ripe paw
Papayas are known for their sweet, juicy, orange flesh and as a natural remedy for indigestion. It is common in tropical countries and comes in a variety of types and sizes.
However, the unripe and semi-ripe forms of this fruit aren’t particularly good for pregnant women.
Pineapple is known to contain bromelain, an enzyme which breaks down protein. One of its side effects is that bromelain may soften the cervix, which could lead to early labour and as such it is one of the fruits to possibly avoid during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Also, eating too much pineapple can cause issues due to its acidic nature, such as acid reflux, heartburn, and even diarrhea which can lead to dehydration.
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