International Strange Music Day : Five Interesting Facts About Music Admirers Should Know

We celebrate International Strange Music Day on August 24 and it is a day for all the music lovers who have a soft corner for the unique and bizarre, especially when it comes to music and songs.
The International Strange Music Day also encourages the rest of us to switch up our regular playlist for something eccentric and unusual. Here are five facts you need to know about music.
It can help you concentrate
Music can relax your mind and offer you a perfect channel to focus on a topic. You will also feel detached from the world and float in a world of your own where you feel comfortable. Whether you are a student or a professional, you will find music to be the best companion that makes you work better.
Keeps your heartbeat healthy
Researchers have found that listening to music of any kind can deliver excellent benefits to your cardiovascular health. The beats enable you to breathe better in rhythm with your heartbeats.. This is why joggers like to listen to music to automatically focus on their heartbeats and keep them healthy.
Music changes your perception
Have you ever felt that the meaning of a song differs with your age and state of mind? The lyrics and rhythm of music hit hard and deep when you listen to it with emotions. Happy songs make you happier and sad songs help you correlate with the hard truths of life. Your perception of life literally transforms.
Singing dissolves stress
When you sing or listen to your favourite music, your endocrine system releases stress-busting hormones. We feel relaxed after a day of hard work when we listen to music.
Has power to recall memories
A research journal published in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation depicts the effect of music. It can help patients with brain injury recall certain memories which are not possible to recollect conventionally.
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