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Jim Iyke Opens Up on His Struggle to Form Lasting Friendships (Video)



Jim Iyke marriage

Nollywood actor and musician Jim Iyke has shared a candid insight into his struggles with forming and maintaining friendships. In a recent podcast interview with Tejubaby, Jim revealed that he finds it challenging to connect with people who are fixated on his past actions or expect him to remain the same person he was yesterday.

According to Jim, he is a “transitional being” who is constantly evolving and growing, making it difficult for others to keep up with his pace. He emphasized that he doesn’t have the need to engage in daily conversations or small talk, and prefers to connect with others only when there’s a meaningful reason to do so.

“I need someone who won’t be hung up on my last act. I’m too transitional for that. My propensity for growth is rapid, and who I was yesterday is different from who I am today. Not everyone can keep up with that,” Jim explained.

He further stated that he values quality over quantity in his relationships, and seeks connections with individuals who can respect his boundaries and understand that silence doesn’t necessarily mean disinterest.

“I don’t need to call someone every day to know how they’re doing. If I don’t call for 10 weeks, and they’re not upset, that’s the kind of person I need. We don’t have to be in constant communication, but when we do connect, it’s meaningful and valuable,” Jim said.

Watch the video below;

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