Evangelist Kesiena Esiri, a prominent figure in The Remnant Christian Network (RCN), has voiced concern over the mockery Christianity faces due to the antics of Pastor...
Nigeria encountered a widespread power outage as its primary electricity network, managed from Osogbo, Osun State, suffered a breakdown around 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, leaving countless...
In a leaked voice note conversation with controversial singer Portable, Nollywood actress Eniola Ajao offered a heartfelt apology for the uproar surrounding the ‘Best Dressed Female‘...
Reports have surfaced suggesting that renowned gospel artiste, Dunsin Oyekan, is preparing to tie the knot once again, years after the tragic loss of his wife....
Joseph Aloba, the father of the late singer Mohbad, has shed light on the delay in burying his son’s remains, which were exhumed over six months...
Bashir El-Rufai, the son of former Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State, has voiced his opposition to government subsidies for religious pilgrimages, asserting that it should...
Opay, the popular digital payment platform, has found itself at the center of attention on social media, with users flooding X to express fears and concerns...
In a bid to address circulating rumours regarding a potential change in the price of fuel occasioned by the strengthening of the naira against the dollar,...
Despite the well-applauded decision of President Bola Tinubu to mark his 72 birthday coming up on Friday, March 29, on a low key, the Federal Government...
By Gideon Ayeni