A tragic story is unfolding in Afashio-Uzairue, a town near Auchi in Edo State, where a young woman, identified as Peculiar, allegedly poisoned her ex-boyfriend, his...
Ten people have been reported dead after a building collapsed in Jegede Olorunsogo, located in the Ona Ara local government area of Ibadan, the capital of...
By Edwin Uhara
A tragic incident has reportedly claimed the lives of a young man and his four friends after they allegedly consumed a meal of pepper soup prepared...
Cross River State Governor Bassey Otu has declared Thursday, October 31, and Friday, November 1, as public holidays to encourage full participation in the upcoming local...
A lecturer at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, named Oguejiofor Ujam, has successfully escaped from the captivity of kidnappers. He was kidnapped on Sunday evening while...
The Executive Secretary of the Lagos State Scholarship Board, Abdulrahman Lekki, has passed away. His death was announced on Wednesday in a brief statement from the...
Operatives from the Ondo State Security Network Agency, known as Amotekun Corps, have arrested a 20-year-old man named Friday Akinmade for allegedly killing a 65-year-old woman...
A 30-year-old man named Sunday Itumo has been sent to prison on allegations that he strangled his wife, Ngozi, in their home located in Igweledoha, Ngbo...
A police vehicle was involved in a serious accident while pursuing a car in Ajah, Lagos, sparking reactions on social media. A video of the incident,...