Renowned Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo has criticized the persistent calls for a DNA test regarding the paternity of Liam Light, the son of the late singer...
Renowned record executive Soso Soberekon has stirred a lively discussion on the intricacies of intimacy in marriage. The music personality, known for making headlines with his...
Nigerian music sensation Damini Ogulu, widely known as Burna Boy, has offered a concise explanation for the perceived animosity directed toward him within the music industryand...
In a heartfelt message shared on her Instagram page, Nollywood actress Sarah Martins has conveyed her thoughts on the public reaction to Isreal DMW’s recent marriage...
In a tale that has captivated social media, a Nigerian man, known by the handle @kayzywizzzy, shared a fascinating story about a friend who devised a...
Nigerian music sensation Burna Boy is making headlines on social media not just for his musical prowess but also for a heartwarming family interaction that unfolded...
A prominent social media influencer, Daniel Regha, sparked a thought-provoking discussion on Twitter, questioning the celebration surrounding Nigerian music star Davido’s recent interaction with politician Peter...
A moment of camaraderie and celebration unfolded as the 2023 Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi, and Afrobeats icon, Davido, shared the spotlight at a recent...
In a viral moment that resonated across social media platforms, an elderly Islamic cleric became an unexpected sensation after he showcased his musical talents during a...
Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God has shocked his followers telling them on Sunday how he wants to die....