Renowned Nollywood actor and filmmaker Kunle Afolayan has shared the heartbreaking news of his mother’s passing. Omoladun Afolayan, who lived to the age of 81, passed...
For Chief Dr. Ugonna Osinachi Cliff Orabuchi, popularly known as Panteka, his father-in-law, Nze Mathias Nwafor Uzo Orakwute, was more than family. The late Orkwute was...
Former Kaduna Central lawmaker, Senator Shehu Sani, has strongly condemned the arraignment of minors involved in recent protests, describing the development as “most unfortunate and shameful”...
A Nigerian man has reportedly been sentenced to three months in jail following his arrest by police for simply sitting outside his home, sparking widespread outrage...
Nigerian TikTok sensation Peller is reportedly under the radar of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after past admissions of involvement in cybercrime, known locally...
A wave of public outcry has erupted following two recent bail rulings by Nigerian courts putting the stark disparities in the judicial system. On one hand,...
The Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi, has taken over the prosecution of 75 #EndBadGovernance protesters, ages 12 to 15, who...
Just 12 days before Edo State transitions to a new government, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has arrested the state’s Accountant General, Julius Anelu,...
A 33-year-old housewife, Comfort Tinubu, has allegedly stabbed her husband, 39-year-old Olusegun Tinubu, to death in their home in the Adegbayi area of Ibadan, Oyo State....
A coalition of more than 80 Civil Society Organizations, CSOs has condemned an assault by Nigerian lawmaker Alex Ikwechegh on a Bolt driver, Stephen Abuwatseya, in...