Renowned socialite and influencer Bobrisky has extended heartfelt sympathy to former Queen Naomi, who is currently facing legal battles after a tragic incident at a charity...
Nollywood actor Adeniyi Johnson has urged the authorities to be lenient in handling the case of Naomi Silekunola, the ex-wife of the Ooni of Ife, following...
Yoruba actress Kiitan Bukola has spoken openly about her fears of marriage and her desire to create a loving and stable home for her future children....
The sister of Naomi Silekunola, a former wife of the Ooni of Ife, has spoken about her ordeal during a recent court arraignment. Simi Oluwaseyi alleged...
Social media has been abuzz with reports suggesting that Afrobeats sensation Asake has parted ways with his record label, YBNL, and its boss, Olamide. The rumors...
By Gideon Ayeni
A Nigerian lady recently encountered the Prime Minister of the Netherlands walking to his office on her way to work, and the simple interaction has stirred...
The mother of Prophetess Naomi, the ex queen of the Ooni of Ife has made a heartfelt plea to Nigerians, proclaiming her daughter’s innocence following her...
By Benjamin Abioye
By Benjamin Abioye