In a tale that defies all expectations, a bride has shared her extraordinary wedding day experience, leaving social media users stunned and intrigued. The jaw-dropping revelation...
A traditional wedding ceremony took a new turn recently when a bride’s decision to select a bottle of honey over a Bible sparked drama, leaving her...
In a joyous celebration of love and union, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has proudly given out his daughter Modupe Oreoluwa, to Oladele Johnson in...
By Gideon Ayeni
A Nigerian bride has captured social media attention after a video surfaced showing her collapsing during her wedding. The viral video, shared on TikTok by user...
A bride made a heart-wrenching decision to postpone her wedding on the day of the event after discovering her groom’s infidelity, leading to a tense confrontation...
Renowned media personality, Reno Omokri, has sparked discussions on social media with his analysis of why Nigerian gospel singer, Moses Bliss, opted to marry a woman...
A wedding ceremony in a local church took an unexpected turn when Pastor Gospel Agochukwu halted the proceedings due to the absence of the bride’s family...
A heartbroken woman, identified as @miriamhayford0 on TikTok, has taken to the platform to share her anguish after discovering that her ex-boyfriend is set to get...
Nigerian gospel music sensation, Moses Bliss, is currently basking in the euphoria of marital bliss as he officially entered into wedlock with his beloved fiancée, Marie...